Get a Grant to Build on Conflux

Be the catalyst which empowers a global shift towards a decentralized, borderless economy - beginning with the Conflux Network. 

Participate in a rapidly growing ecosystem and make impactful change

Our Grant Program’s objective is to encourage innovation by supporting developers and entrepreneurs building key components of the Conflux technology stack focused on growth.

Apply for a Grant

Grant Categories


Empower decentralized finance with secure, innovative, and user-friendly experiences. Drive the next generation of financial solutions on Conflux.

Infra & Developer Tooling

Develop robust protocols and SDKs that can support and enhance Conflux's ecosystem. Enable seamless integration and powerful development capabilities.

SocialFi, Gaming & NFTs

Expand Conflux's presence in SocialFi, gaming, and NFTs. Innovative SocialFi projects are highly encouraged and particularly welcomed by the Conflux grant program, driving the future of digital interaction and ownership.

Get a Grant to Build on Conflux

Be the catalyst which empowers a global shift towards a decentralized, borderless economy - beginning with the Conflux Network. 

Application Process

The grant is for projects that enhance the ecosystem by attracting liquidity, increasing network activity, and building out the Conflux technology stack with developer tooling and infrastructure. Review all materials before completing and submitting the application form.

Submit Application

Fill out the corresponding grant application form and submit to the forum. If you have any questions or would like to get feedback prior to submitting, contact us.

Evaluation & Decision

The project will receive a committee member who looks deeper into the project, discusses the necessary questions with the project. The committee will evaluate whether the project is beneficial for the ecosystem. Projects that win the majority of the committee's votes will be awarded a grant.

Deployment & Monitoring

In the case that a grant application is accepted, project should be deployed and announced. Progress is tracked and grant is dispersed based on agreed milestones.

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